How to Find Yoga While Traveling
It’s important to stay fit while traveling, and our favorite fitness activity to find is yoga classes. Yoga is becoming more and more popular around the world, and English-spoken classes are popping up from small hostels to big fitness centers to dedicated yoga studios. It is important to have quality yoga gear in order to get the most out of your practice. The most important and travel-friendly gear is a compact, absorbent yoga towel that will keep you from slipping during positions and protect you from dirty mats if you don’t have your own. A nice yoga towel can also be used as pillow case or beach towel when you are traveling light. A great pair of yoga pants feel great and fits in any backpack.
Yoga specifically for travelers is offered all around Southeast Asia and is gaining popularity. In Bali, the Bali Spirit Festival attracts thousands of visitors to practice yoga and meditation with instructors from around the world. In Siem Reap, Cambodia, new yoga centers offer retreats including 3 yoga classes per day, meditation and self-reflection, vegan meals, and accommodation all included.

Anne from makes a living teaching yoga all over the world.
Even if you can’t find a practice, with the right yoga gear you can do yoga in hotel rooms, on the beach, or anywhere you can find some space to relieve stress, stretch on those sore muscles from sleeping on trains, buses, and hard beds. A few key poses to try out are inverted poses (like downward dog), backbends (to stretch and wake up your spine), and warrior poses. Look on yoga websites for free videos and full workouts you can do on your own to stay in yoga shape.
To find yoga classes and studio while on the road, ask your hostel and other travelers, or check travel sites like tripadvisor. Some studios may cater more to locals, and often have a free class or free week option to get you to join their studio. If you are staying in one place for a month or more, you may want to join. If not, just don’t mention that you are leaving, enjoy your free class, and don’t forget to give them a good review on travel or local business sites as a thank you if you liked it!
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