Looking for a Dream Skiing Getaway? Four Reasons to Look at France!
I have to admit that being from the United States makes me biased towards Colorado as the best skiing destination on the planet. Not necessarily because of the actual quality of skiing, but because of the atmosphere that Colorado mountain towns tend to have. However, only recently have I realized just how awesome ski getaways can be down by the French/Italian border in the French Alps.
Europeans have known this forever, but the number of Americans heading to France for skiing has only recently began to jump. After researching what is available for tourists in the Alps, it doesn’t surprise me that the numbers are growing. Here are four reasons to consider taking your next skiing holiday to the French Alps.
1. Pure Beauty
The image speaks for itself. The backdrop that you are treated to within the French Alps is probably the most beautiful skiing backdrop in the world. Unless you have the budget to get dropped out of a helicopter, than the French Alps is your best choice for really seeing a mountain in all its beauty. This photo was taken in Meribel, which is just one of the many options you have when booking a ski holiday in France. If Meribel is your choice, the website called Neilson is good for finding resorts based on locations.
2. Variety of skill levels

photo credit: Joe Shlabotnik via photopin cc
One of the things the French Alps is most known for is having one of the broadest ranges of skiing opportunities compared to anywhere else in Europe. Whether you are a black diamond expert or just a beginner, there are plenty of options for you to find what suits you best. For beginners, Les Portes du Soleil and La Plagne both have some great starter runs.
3. There’s more to do than just ski!
To me this is a big one. I love skiing, but I can only handle one or two days of it before I am either too tired, too sore, or too injured. The French Alps have many more activities that can help add diversity and fun to your holiday. Here are just some of the options available: Snowmobiling, snow mountain biking, and my personal favorite, a ride down a real bobsledding track from the 1992 Olympics!
4. You can ride a horse… On skis!
You’ve probably never heard of ski-joring. But it’s a real thing. This Scandinavian sport hasn’t spread to very many places yet on earth, but the French Alps is one of the few places you can try it. The best part, other than the beauty of being pulled by a horse in the snow, is that you don’t need to be an experienced horse-person to try it! Within less than an hour of lessons you will be out on the snow enjoying the freedom and quiet of the Alps.