Your Own In-Flight Entertainment

Published On August 6, 2014 | By Staff Writer | Travel Planning
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When the airplane you are on takes off and lands, your communication devices should be switched off – this is the usual regulation. There are no such restrictions, though, while in flight – so, if your in-flight movie is boring, or you simply don’t feel like spending your flight listening to the gibberish your fellow travelers are talking, you can take your smartphone and handle your in-flight entertainment yourself.

Some airlines offer their customers free wi-fi on board. Not all – but if you happen to use American Airlines, Air Canada, AirTran Airways, Alaska Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Frontier Airlines, United Airlines, US Airways and Virgin America, chances are that you will have access to the internet. You can use your phone to watch funny cat videos on YouTube, post in-air selfies on Facebook, read the latest news or even listen to your favorite audio streaming service. Or maybe even to play some online games while in the air. Just imagine how it would be to hit the jackpot while flying at tens of thousands of feet above the ground! (For more information go to

If you don’t have an in-flight wireless internet connection, you should prepare yourself for a long and boring trip before you leave. By preparing I mean to fill up your phone with music from iTunes or another online music store, browse through Amazon or another online bookshop for something you have always planned to read and never found the time. I for one prefer reading while listening to music – these two can easily be combined.

I would recommend not to choose anything hard, that will tire your brain. Besides, you can expect to be distracted repeatedly from your reading – either by the inconsiderate flight crew, or by those mean little bas… I mean the children playing around the neighboring seats. Choose something light, like the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (it contains the best advice you can get on a plane: when falling, try to miss the ground). It will keep you entertained for hours. And it has four sequels, so even if you happen to be blocked on a snowed in airstrip or in a thick fog, you will not run out of things to laugh at.

You can also use the time spent on the plane to plan your trip once you reach your destination. Even when you have business to attend to, you will surely have some empty hours to fill, that you can use for sightseeing or for visiting a famous restaurant and tasting some unique dishes. Be sure not to waste them by sitting in a hotel room watching cable – there are so many things out there worth exploring…

photo credit: John Pozadzides via photopin cc

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